The “Six Meridian Theory” examines energetic surfaces and meridian connections. The surfaces are defined by the amount of the light they reflect. The three yin surfaces (Tai Yin, Jue Yin, Shao Yin) and the three yang surfaces (Yang Ming, Shao Yang, Tai Yang) when paired establish holistic energetic patterns. The energy of these pairings contributes to a composed Taiji presence. 

Becoming aware of these patterns enhances your energetic connections and helps you attain key training goals while performing the dance. For example, an energetically balanced Tai Yang pair forges alignment of the legs and upper body thereby empowering a player to move in a desired direction with clear mind intent. Whereas an imbalanced Tai Yang pair leads to lack of drive and clarity of qi, accompanied by a feeling of incompetence or unsteadiness.

Classical Chinese medicine further interprets the Six Meridian Stages as phases, spheres or confirmations. When acting together in a successive manner, they enable life to flow forward without interruption. These six phases directly correlate with the cycles of nature, the Five Elements, and the movement of yin-yang energies – an aspect of classical wisdom that was only recently retrieved by Chinese medicine scholars delving deeper into the meaning of Chinese characters in ancient texts. 

Becoming attuned to the undercurrent of energies that comprise your day-to-day, gives you a deeper understanding about the energetic force necessary to successfully navigate the many stages of life. The “Classical Chinese Medicine Insight” section of this course dictates how to better support the health of each phase through dietary choices. You will also have the opportunity to trace the trajectory of these six phases via experiential audio exercises, thereby activating and balancing their qi flow.